Tuesday, 19 February 2013

A heart transplant has sparked a romance

A heart transplant has sparked a romance between the donor’s sister and the recipient. "I didn’t have any words to describe it, it was just this, you know, connection,” Erin Roberts said.
Erin’s brother, Kellen Roberts, was on a trip to Sioux Falls, S.D., when he hit his head on March 7, 2005.
The free-spirited Seattle resident, who was an organ donor,  died in South Dakota.  In nearby Minneapolis,  17-year-old Connor Rabinowitz was waiting, hoping for a new heart.

“I just wish he could know how grateful I am for him,” Rabinowitz said.
The transplant was a success, and with a second chance at life, Rabinowitz said he needed to find out about the man who saved him.
When Connor and Kellen’s sister, Erin, met for the first time, they told  said they fell in love instantly.
The couple shared their story with ABC News’ Seattle affiliate KOMO.
“I have it vividly in my head… just looking over, feeling her mom hug me, and just staring into her eyes,” Connor said.
For Erin,  the moment was “priceless”.
“To know that a part of something you loved so much can continue on, but not just continue on in existence, but be the life force for someone else,” she said. “I don’t know if there’s any words to describe that.

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